
By giving importance to the real players, the biodiversity present allows the company to be a dynamic and always innovative reality.

This heritage gives the possibility to implement new initiatives and new production lines. By delving into the botanical characteristics of the plants so far taken into consideration to distinguish:


Myrtle, also known by its botanical name “Myrtus communis”, is an aromatic-resinous evergreen shrub characteristic of the Mediterranean maquis in the Myrtaceae family.

As morphological features, the plant generally has acuminate green leaves, leathery in texture, opposite or sometimes tri-verticillate, with elliptical-oval lanceolate and acuminate lamina; the flowers are white 5 petals with many stamens, and the branches are oppositely arranged with reddish-brown bark.

According to the review “Intra-specific systematics and essences of Co.Al.Ta” there are several varieties of myrtle on the farm. In particular: M. c. communis, M. c. tarentin and M. c. albocarpa.

The varieties present differ in the shape of the leaves, but mainly in the shape and color of the fruits. In fact, in the first case the fruits are ellipsoidal in shape, in the second case the fruits are more rounded, and in the third case the fruits are completely white in color. Hybrid forms are also distinguished between the two main varieties.



Fennel, also called “Foeniculum vulgare”, represents one of the most widespread and widely used plants in the Mediterranean maquis.

It is a herbaceous plant in the Apiaceae family that is mostly perennial with an erect stem and stalked leaves with a strong midrib divided into laciniae. It has small yellow flowers grouped in peculiar inflorescences called “umbels” and the fruits at first green varying to ochre in full maturity.

Following morphological analysis, two subspecies present on the farm were identified. Specifically: F.
v. vulgare and F. v. piperitum.

They differ in both morphological characteristics and fruit flavor. These differences can be traced back to the soil characteristics and pedoclimatic conditions of the different areas of the farm.


Strawberry tree

Typical of the Mediterranean maquis, the strawberry tree, also known by its botanical name “Arbutus unedo”, is a long-lived evergreen shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family.

It generates small round fruits with grainy skin that, depending on the degree of ripeness, vary from green to deep red.

This plant has green leaves, distinctive white flowers and red fruits, which is why it is also called the “Garibaldi plant” because of its obvious reference to the tricolor.

Due to its rough texture on the outside and sweet heart, the strawberry tree fruit can be eaten fresh when ripe, or star in new products such as delicious jams.

Strawberry tree